Blue Tit Babies all died in nest overnight


Our blue tits had 8 eggs which hatched 2 weeks ago.  We lost one early on, and a couple of others since then. the third only a few days ago.  The mother did not remove the dead babies and yesterday we even had a fly in the box.

Last night we sadly lost the remaining 5 baby blue tits in the early hours of the morning about 3-4 ish.

They were doing very well, making sounds, preening etc.  All feeding.  

the parents were bringing in a mix of bugs and fat ball food.

We do not understand what could have caused the remaining ones to all die within a hour of each other - 2 moved about and ended up lying down stretched out on their sides, another 2 just looked like they were asleep. 

We know often they die due to food, dehydration etc but usually one goes at a time.   This was odd as they were all doing well and all went pretty much the same time.   

Could it be something they ate - although the parents are still around.    Or could it be something to do with the dead chicks that were left in the nest.  

I know nothing could be done but cant help wondering why.