Please stop rescuing baby bird’s and then wonder why and then get upset when they die!

A tough article for those who keep rescuing baby birds. I think that small nesting birds are fluffy and look so cute and that maybe one of the reasons some rescue baby birds. On the rare occasions that baby birds need rescuing, looking after baby birds yourself is worse and you should get help from professionals and not being looked in your home. I don’t know whether it’s just me in recent  week a lot of new members posting every day on this forum are getting worried about this Also some threads baby birds  dying in there nexts. Hundreds of baby birds die every day naturally and that has always happened along with raptors taken wild birds every day as well!THAT IS NATURE’! And nature can be brutal if you watch BBC 2’s Springwatch every year including the live webcams you will see that happen on your TV and with Chris Packham’

