Tree Sparrows

Another 'good news' story ...


 2013 photos & vids here

eff37 on Flickr

  • That's really good news Wendy, anything to keep those number up for those in decline or almost disappearing 

    Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

  • Fantastic news for the Isle of Man and shows we can help bring back important bird species and improve their chances of increasing numbers across the UK;   it's not rocket science just simple measures and understanding of what is needed including suitable habitat as well as natural and sometimes necessary assisted food sources.     Uplifting article, thanks Wendy.  

     We are lucky on this residential parkland that large areas of grass (left to grow longer with wildflower seeds) and woodland are improved for wildlife and we have already seen the benefits within two years of additional planting to not only help provide natural food for birds but also pollinating plants for insects such as butterflies and bees which are now abundant with many varieties returning.    


    Regards, Hazel 

  • You are indeed lucky aitch to be able to look out over improved grassland every day, hope it turns into a 'proper meadow' soon, the pollinators need all the help they can get in addition to wild birds!  My mantra is 'plant more Buddleias' ... the overwintering plants also provide lots of insects for spadgers and blue tits!


     2013 photos & vids here

    eff37 on Flickr

  • To give you an idea this is a fraction of the additional planting which has been carried out by the estate team around this 400 acre parkland/woodland:

    14,000 Narcissus Tete-a-Tete 
    2,000 Narcissus Pueblo 
    1,000 Allium Purple Sensation
    1,000 Allium Nigrum Multibulbosum
    100 Allium Mount Everest
    5,000 Ruby Giant Crocus,
    5,000 Blue Pearl Crocus,
    500 Snakes Head Fritillary
    100 Wood Anemone
    250 Wild Garlic
    1,050 Wild Primrose
    25 Teasel

    also trees:  wild crabapple, hazel, holly, hawthorn, alder buckthorn, pedunculate oak, sessile oak, common beech, hornbeam, small leaved lime, rowan, wild cherry, yew, wild viburnum ........ to mention just some of the planting that has been done since we've lived here !!!!     Have had butterflies like Holly Blue, Common Blue, Purple Hairstreak, Painted Lady, Small Copper, Dark Green Fritillary and a glimpse of a White Letter Hairstreak fly past by the estate manager.     We have lots of Bee-orchids popping up everywhere during the flowering season with other orchids like marsh, common spotted too.        As part of the park wildlife group we often walk around the woodland areas as there are lots of fungi too come autumn.  

      I just need to try spot and ID them all now as the months go by.  LOL. 


    Regards, Hazel 

  • A great deal of hard work has gone into keeping your open spaces fertile & productive, not surprising that you have such wonderful sightings! ... I was pleased yesterday with sightings of male BB & a Wren poking amongst the leaf litter edging my none-too-tidy grass!


     2013 photos & vids here

    eff37 on Flickr