• Really lovely news Wendy and good to know their numbers are increasing well;     I also watched the video showing their courtship display and what a thrill it must have been for the filmmaker/photographer to have such a close encounter with them by using the special hide tent.     The added thrill of the two peregrines - wow !!    he won't remember his long dark hours in the hide and soaking wet feet as all he'll recall is that special moment watching the pair of cranes bonding/displaying/mating and the two peregrines as an added bonus.    Thanks for the link as thoroughly enjoyed this excellent update on the crane breeding program.  I did see wild cranes in flight at Minsmere and also memories of the Slimbridge cranes with their chick;   still got the video clip somewhere so will try find it.    

    Found the cranes and their chick on an old post HERE 


    Regards, Hazel 

  • Many thanks aitch for that great footage & soundtrack, that crane chick is such a cute little dot ... I remember seeing a video showing how baby cranes were reared by humans who had to wear 'crane suits' to prevent chicks bonding to the people feeding them!


     2013 photos & vids here

    eff37 on Flickr