Sunny Saturday

 Here we go, my first post upgrade post:

Having been inspired by others sighting and pictures of Waxwings, and the ongoing news that a flock of about 8 were regularly being seen commuting between two pretty specific spots about 20 minutes from home, I decided that next nice day off I would go for a meander to see if I could catch up with them, firstly at Asda car park (other supermarkets are available)




More Siskin action


There's something in there somewhere!

Not a bad colour match!

Flying across the car park, I spied my first butterfly of the year, a Red Admiral, but it didn't land, and strutting across the car park, owning the place

Having spent a little while there, and with a chore or two to run, I decided to try the 2nd spot, 5 minutes down the road. As I pulled into the road that was listed as the 2nd of the sighting spots, half a dozen people with cameras were all looking up a tree, A HA, I thought... they're here... my first ever sighting is imminent :o)

I think it was Michaela on Winterwatch that said they get their name from the little patch of red on their wings

Sometimes you gotta scratch that itch

Emerging from the mistletoe

Eye on the prize

Lean mean berry munching machine

Time to go

And as my chores still needing doing, it was my time to go too, properly happy I'd made the decision to head out.

After chores, and on my way home, as I was driving I spotted my 2nd butterfly, which I'm guessing was a Brimstone as it's still too early for any of the other whites to be out and about, and a short while further (apologies to the car behind) I swerved into a lay by...

The tags come back to the bird being caught in summer of 2022, about 10 miles from where I photographed it, and this was the first report of it since

And it was flying with a second bird

And then I went home, right chuffed with the morning.

The creating of the post was no different to my old way of doing it (except clicking upload rather than straight in the dialogue box), which probably means I was doing it in a long winded way before lol

Hope you enjoy

Stay Safe All

Edit: I used 800 and 0 in the two dimension boxes as before, and the pictures have come out much larger than previously.

Edit 2: Using more<edit<post doesn't appear to fix images that come up with an icon rather than the photograph any more

Edit 3: There were two photo's with just the image icon, but since Hazy replied they've become photos again.... odd!