Av had enough for now

Sorry my fellow forum mates but this new upgrade is really doing my head in so I am not going to be back on until it makes easier viewing ..sooooo not enjoyable anymore...yes I understand its early days but a dont need this stress in my life, its meant to be fun!

Should anyone wish to  contact me outwith You can reach me at


I hope to be back one day but really looks impossible the now to continue with any of my posts.

Take care of yourselves 

Luv ya all

Linda x

(Pardon the Scottish Accent)

  • Aw, so sorry to read this Linda. This latest upgrade has really got folks rattled, as you said in another post, everything is upside down and round about! Not the best at all, I really hope they keep on top of this and listen to what we have said, and sort things out. I will miss you, but in the meantime I will keep in touch. Take care and hope to see you back soon, once this mess has been fixed.  CLx 

    Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

  • I'm also sorry to hear you are leaving the forum until the site is working properly and hope it will not be too long.    I'll will miss your garden updates but believe this site can be improved upon if all the comments are being read and noted.    Keep taking your photos Linda and fingers crossed you will be back very soon.    Meanwhile, take good care X.    


    Regards, Hazel 

  • I am sad beyond belief to read this Linda as you have become one of the stalwarts of the forum with your fabulous garden updates, your humour and quick wit, some other regular posters are also defeated already, I fear that this community will be floundering under the weight of this very unnecessary upgrade ... I have kept on raising the downsides with 'official rspb' and even asked for it to be reversed to get the old system back, can do no more!


     2013 photos & vids here

    eff37 on Flickr

  • Don't forget to update/remove that publicly visible e-mail address :)

    I have my opinions on the upgrade. I (think I) could write a satirical sketch.

  • Sorry to hear that Linda. I’ve not been on here long. Sometimes a change can be too much to take. I hope you will continue at least you’re in the Garden thread. It’s always good to see your selections of birds and your friendly Sprock. But I understand if it’s too much. Thanks for sharing.

  • I'm sorry to read this Linda, though I do understand your frustrations.