Time to try out a new post - post upgrade TEST

Well it's not like my pics are any good it's just a test lol

I think we are goosed lol

(Pardon the Scottish Accent)

  • At least you came back on now Hazel, when we are all in this new muddle again together!! A lovely dry but sharp day here, got some trees cut back and tidying done, 1st day in a long while.

    Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

  • Don't like this vote up, vote down business;    I accidentally clicked vote up meaning to click your comment (on Linda's "Ive had enough for now" thread and instead clicked mine;  I then tried to take out vote up on my comment and it took out yours too. LOL.    oh dear ! 


    Regards, Hazel 

  • The up/down/check who's voted is only easy to work when on laptop I've found, far to tiny for tablet or phone use unless we shave our fingers down to a very fine point ... yuk, messy! Rolling eyesDisappointed relieved


     2013 photos & vids here

    eff37 on Flickr

  • I don't like the vote up down - as it messes up the display moving a reply to the top of a post - it would be much preferable to have a good old fashioned like button. If I remember rightly we had the vote button when they introduced the system originally. I think when it goes back to pages we get the "like" buttons back because replies don't ever get moved from where they are. 

    The problem is they have just installed a newer version of the software in its standard form and ignored the fact that they had tweaked it as a result of our requirements. When they tested the new Upgrade they failed to take into account that it looked so different to what we were using, presumably because no one there really uses the Community. So a lot of the issues owe are reporting are not necessarily faults with the Software as such but are not what we are used to after the modifications we had made to the last upgrade - if that makes sense.

    However, as usual there will be no admission that there is any fault at their end - and how many of us knew that Thursday was just not the right time to do this. It was done on Thursday because that was when the right teams were available  - they should have made the right teams available earlier in the week! 

  •  I came on to say hello, looks like it is all upside down again, I went through was it one or two updates and it all takes a while to settle, will have a go tomorrow to post a photo, not tonight though as I am watching the snooker and don't want to get even more confused:-) 

    Lot to learn

  • watching snooker in black and white would be easier than navigating this "upgrade" Slight smile