A Visit to Somewhere New

So yesterday we decided with it being bitterly cold we should go out lol...left to me where to go...very bad idea and yes I got it soooooo wrong...Cathkin Marshes was the choice but silly sausage me got it mixed up as it was actually Cathkin Braes we ended up at...grrr

So here is what we got from our baltic walk from the highest point in Glasgow.....I should also say we felt well out of place with a camera as was all dog walkers and mountain bikes heehee

So from this point you can see Ben Lomond

I got so excited seeing a Buzzard so close and obviously a couldn't feel my fingers that I must have dropped my lens cap...one of them days

Then off he flew 

Thankfully we retraced my steps and found it again!!

As you can see it was a little icy aswell

We walked and walked until we stumbled upon a corvid fest....woohoo some birds at last!!

A handsome Rook just waiting for me

He didn't wait long enough for many pics :-(

Oh a BB eating some berries

Then heading back up the Braes...was one for Wendy!!

Sorry not the best of pics but a tried ;-]

Starlings me thinks overhead

Then Maggie lead us back to the car

Next time I will take yous to Cathkin Marshes...now av redone my homework lol

Och it was a change of scenery 

Thanks for looking

Take care ;-)

(Pardon the Scottish Accent)