A recent visit to RSPB Saltholme

On Tuesday this week I had a visit to RSPB Saltholme..

Little Egret






Female Reed Bunting

Male Reed Bunting

Female Chaffinch


Red Breasted Merganser


Greylag Geese

Reed Bunting

Flock of Golden Plover

Common Snipe



A group of Shoveler

Cattle Egret

On the road leaving Saltholme towards North Gare, Seaton Carew.




Drake Wigeon


Female kestrel




  • Great photo's Bob. A good selection of birds, also nice to see a Seal :)
  • Looked a fab day out Bob.... That big yellow thing in the sky was "the sun" in case you'd forgotten Grin Thanks for spending the time sorting and posting for us to enjoy Thumbsup
  • I was at Saltholme on Tuesday of this week Bob! I don’t know what day you where you, If you where the same day as me on Tuesday, You never know we might have passed one another! Slight smile



  • Thanks for the lovely pics Bob, especially the Kestrels!


     2013 photos & vids here

    eff37 on Flickr

  • That's what a call a good days birding. Cracking set of photos Bob..thanks for sharing ;-)

    (Pardon the Scottish Accent)

  • Unknown said:
    I was at Saltholme on Tuesday of this week Bob! I don’t know what day you where you, If you where the same day as me on Tuesday, You never know we might have passed one another!

    It does say I was there on Tuesday so we may well have passed each other unless we both went round in the same anti-clockwise direction Slight smile

  • WendyBartter said:
    Thanks for the lovely pics Bob, especially the Kestrels!

    Specially for you Slight smile

  • I did go up to the top of Haverton Hill. I also went along the path of the Long Eared Owls Viewpoint on Tuesday and last Saturday as well. What I’ve never said I fell into the mud along that path last Saturday but was ok. Laughing afterwards. Part of my trousers were covered in mud. On Tuesday of this week  I was more careful walking along the same footpath. But certainly walking along the Long Eared Owls footpath you definitely need wellingtons aa part of the footpath is deep mud, also part of that footpath has a lot of lying water due to the recent rain which was half way up my Wellingtons. So I was laughing afterwards. The staff were concerned but I was ok! Slight smileSlight smileSlight smile No signs of the Long Eared Owls at the viewpoint this winter. The wilderness walk itself(another footpath) has been closed for quite a long period due to flooding. 90% of the time along that path you definitely need wellingtons. I done that footpath a lot.

