Brandon Marsh Starling Murmurations 23 December

A bit late in sharing with you, my last trip to Brandon before Christmas.

Unfortunately, with all the "alternative" excitement over Christmas, my original list of sightings became mislaid, so enjoy the photos, and videos. The long and short of my Xmas, was getting blue lighted to the local A&E on Xmas Day, followed by a ten day stay while under obs.

Click HERE for the dawn call

Click HERE for the starlings warm up and pre-flight checks....

and for the starling murmuration, click HERE to watch the spectacular  PSST, ya wanna get ya headphones on and volume up  Wink

a GWE looking for breakie....

Mr G

and Mrs G

A grey heron flypast

the GWE still seeking out breakie....

Mr T

Flocks of wigeon flying in

and having a good old clean up....