Benji's Birdwatching

I thought I would make a new thread for my photography, this will save clogging up with loads of threads.

For starters, here are some of the many photos from over the Christmas Holidays

First off, a few photos from Staines Resevoirs, where I went to see black-necked grebe and black-throated Diver

Meadow Pipit

Pied Wagtail, I think it's the first time I've ever seen a pied wagtail in a tree!

Carrion Crow

Tried to get a shot of a wigeon, but they flew before I could get a shot of one sitting still!

There was a big flock of linnets, but this was the only decent shot I got of one!

I did find the Black-Necked Grebes! (Which were lifers for me!)

And also had the Black-Throated Diver coming quite close (again a lifer!)

That day ended well!

The next trip was to Southend-on-sea, I wasn't expecting much, but am glad I took my camera, as saw my lifer Sanderling and Turnstone there!



Also got my first decent looks (and photos) of Brant Geese

Starling were also present!

And finally a beautiful common gull

I wasn't expecting much, so was very happy.

The next few photos are from 2024, trying to up my year list

Firstly, my second BOP from the house in 2024, Sparrowhawk, also my best looks and photos of one!

Then I went to Cassiobury park, adding most of the garden birds



This parakeet was harassing the woodpecker, trying to get it off the feeder - it didn't budge though!

And finally a trip to Lee Valley Discovery centre today, in the hopes of seeing my lifer Bittern!

After about 10 minutes I did manage to see it, but not clearly enough to get decent photos, however I heard there was a Smew further up the lake, so decided to go see that, then come back and see if the bittern would come more into the open.

Sure enough, I quickly locked onto a beautiful male Smew

I then headed back to the main discovery centre/hide, and was told the bittern was moving - after about 15 minutes it finally popped right into view!

It disappeared fairly quickly, but I went home happy!

This post is quite long, as it's a catch up from the last few days, but from now on they should be shorter!

Thanks for Looking!



  • Lovely photos Benji, nice to see the Little Owl, cute birds with a grumpy look !!


    Regards, Hazel 

  • A grumpy little owl! Lovely photos Benji, especially in zoom mode, great detail.

    Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

  • Super photos Benji, and I love the owl pics, they were definitely worth the wait and return visit.

  • Time to test the update and upload a few new photos! (I think the best thing so far is it got rid of the 2 'notifications' which weren't actually there!

    A trip to RSPB Otmoor yesterday allowed me to get a few decent photos.

    Starting off with a pheasant under the feeders - it was pretty much a tree over a pond -  as the puddle underneath was so big! But it meant I could get a nice reflection

    Next up, while trying (and failing) to get a photo of a dunnock, my first butterfly of the year flew by and landed just next to me!


    The dunnock then started singing its heart out right next to me, so I did get a picture of it!

    I then moved on, a bit further, and noticed a bit of movement in the reeds by the path.

    Reed Bunting!

    Then after chatting with a warden for a bit, a stonechat popped onto the reeds as well.

    I then got to the first hide - where I stopped to try and get some photos of the reed buntings feeding on the ground.

    This one was my favourite:

    And to finish off, while I was there, a moorhen strolled across the same path - allowing me to get this photo

    Thanks for looking



  • Lovely selection of pics Benji, thanks for sharing ... I can see that 2 comments on your previous batch of pics have ended up under this new selection ... a blip but wonder if they will stay that way?


     2013 photos & vids here

    eff37 on Flickr

  • Its because there is no option to reply to the thread, only to reply to posts - I replied to my last post, but Hazel and William had commented between my two posts. Hence they are below 



  • A few more from a little hide just down the road.

    Red Kite


    Little Egret


    A few kingfisher shots at a distance

    My attempt at flight shots!

    And then went back a few days later for a chance at the kingfishers coming closer!




    And finally the kingfisher did turn up, sitting on a great perch!

    Thats all for the moment, but I'll definitely be back sooner rather than later!



  • stunning shots and variety Benji, thanks for sharing


    Regards, Hazel 

  • Super Kingfishers Benji plus Goldcrest & Wren & all the rest!


     2013 photos & vids here

    eff37 on Flickr