Odds & Sods 2024

Kicking off this year's odds and sods with Starlings in a rainbow on that extreme rarity: sunshine.

It was early morning, with the sun barely cresting the tree line. We were able to get out for our morning walk as it wasn't raining. This photo is my trusty Canon 80D and Sigma 18-300mm lens zoomed in at 300mm.

Pulling back a bit.

And finally all the way back.

Oh, 2024 got off to a good start with this.

So far my cat, perhaps two neighbouring cats visiting our garden, a local fox and Tawny owl, and this trap have accounted for at least five of the beasties. Sightings of rats in our garden are getting rarer, so I think I'm winning. Two rather timid and wary rats, that I know of, are proving more elusive to catch. I've resorted to buying a lethal trap. The trap was triggered, yesterday, but no rat, sadly. Though a mouse might have triggered it, and was small enough to be within the kill bar.

90% luck, 5% field craft, 5% camera skills.

  • Thanks PB , I saw some terns down at Troon a few months ago and they really are lovely to watch for was worth the 5 min car journey and 30 min walk that lasted 2 hrs Grinning 

    Happy paddling

    (Pardon the Scottish Accent)

  • Thanks Kevin. It was always flying into the sun so it was eye watering work Laughing 

    (Pardon the Scottish Accent)

  • Hiya Linda, good to see you return. What, 3 photos from 1000!! Oh I dunno, maybe you need more practiceThinking Glad you got a newbie.

    Haven't been around much myself the lasf few months , will send you a PM. 

    Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

  • Well done Linda, nice capture well done and a newbie. Its a bird I have never seen before In fact I hadn't heard of a black tern until now. Great Photo of it too. 

  • Hello strangers Grin , hope you are all fabulously well and enjoying the sunshine or is it only in Scotland now Thinking...wonder why that might be Joy 

    Definitely not sunny down here, in fact its blooming wet and dismal.

    Super capture, a black tern.and the sun as well....

  • Defo need more practice CL. A wee outing this Monday with my daughter might be fruitful Wink

    (Pardon the Scottish Accent)

  • Thanks ILR,  it was a tricky buggar as the loch is so big, sun was shining and a million other gulls flying around 

    (Pardon the Scottish Accent)

  • Thanks Mike...we have been lacking sunshine all flaming summer here Joy 

    (Pardon the Scottish Accent)

  • Well, I am eventually back from darn sarf. My brother in law recovered enough to be let out of hospital in Yeovil and came back to Wells where they were staying, before he had breathing difficulties again, and re-admited to hospital! My sister and I decided that we would be better off nearer the hospital to avoid her having to do 25 miles each way trips so we moved to Chilthorne Domer, about 5 minutes out of Yeovil. I love the quirky place names ... Blush. He came out after another few days, stayed two nights in a hotel and we made our way back oop north on Thursday ... I am to old for 250 mile journeys but it had to be done. I was driving a few miles behind them, just in case there were any problems, but we all got to our respective homes safely. Safe, but knackered! I was away for 12 days, that's the longest I have ever been away from home in my life. I have taken a few photos while away. I managed some demoiselles, moths and a few insects as well as odd bits of interesting wildlife and countryside things. I visited Ham Wall Nature Reserve, but it was raining too hard to get out of the car, and also Bracketts Coppice Nature Reserve, which I couldn't find, first try, then second attempt I couldn't find anywhere to park, so I gave up ... Slight frown.

  • Glad all appears better BD... and sorry about the weather...but I have been bleating on about how poor it's been, since about March lol