Catch-Up Post #3 13/11 Minsmere Reserve

So after promising ourselves a visit for a goodly long while, me and Mrs PB journeyed east, to the land of promise! Unfortunate timing on our part, with 20 million gallons of rain having fallen and winds blowing at speeds of a thousand mph it was never going to be a great birding experience! However, making the most of it we sallied forth on the wings of a bright forecast

Outside the Reception


Through reception, and out the back... even signed... I neglected to notice what they were called!

Onto the reserve proper, and a Kestrel battled the wind

Several Common Darter were still about

Snappy... get outta my head!! lol

One of the commonest sights was groups of Cormorants passing overhead 

There was not much to see as we headed on round to South Hide, suffice to say, it certainly cleared the sinuses and blew away the cobwebs! In the lagoon there were many wigeon, gadwall shoveler and mallard, most of whom decided staying well away from the hide was the best course of action, but peering to the right a couple of Goldeye bobbed in to view

And a pair of Gadwall ventured out from the safety of shelter... spot the wind driven spume!

Heading back toward the centre

Various water birds kept battling against the wind (not sure what these are potentially Pintails [ta Linda] as some were seen)

Just a bit of surf n spray as we headed back along the beach rather than the boardwalk

Mainly Herring and Black backed gulls

And the occasional mammal

We stopped back at the centre for lunch, then headed the other way out, toward the other hides, we got some lovely Marsh Harrier views in gorgeous golden light, but somehow I only got four usable pics

Then high overhead a Lapwing

Walking down to the last open hide a lady was staring intently and pointing her camera up a tree...



Blue Tit

And Coal Tit all in the same tree

Into the last hide (after filling my boot with water stepping off the boardwalk.... doh!)

Another Marshy

And heading back, more Snappymania overtook me

And so concluded the first day at Minsmere. I couldn't believe there were no nuthatches and/or tree creepers through the wood as it seemed the perfect environment, but as I said at the start, the weather wasn't that inducive!

Perhaps day two will be better!!

Thanks for browsing, as always any ID's/corrections gratefully received (except probably the fungi lol)

Stay Safe All

  • Had to wear hat, scarf & gloves to read your post PB and that was indoors! You two are very brave to trek about in that awful weather but you did see lots of good things!


     2013 photos & vids here

    eff37 on Flickr

  • Finally a bit of peace and what better for some bedtime reading than your posts PB.....please update them flying duck IDs...Golden Eagle and Fairy wren if you
    Am surprised you never went and got urself a surfboard lol
    Nice variety despite the weather ;-)

    (Pardon the Scottish Accent)