Lovely Cold Morning at The Haugh

So it was very bright today and decided on a wee wonder up the Haugh in search of some Waxwings....not that I have heard they are there..just saw Bob's photos and though I wanna a piece of you do lol

Carpark was pretty busy but then the sun was out so that's expected 

But the moon was out also 

Lots of noise but couldn't see a darn bird as sun was in my eyes!!


Fieldfare finally arrived

Am being watched

Just something about this tree I like..maybe the fact I know there is plenty birds I it just canny bloody see them lol

Walked up the river and zooming past us went a pic!

But was little Grebes and Goosanders 

Was a cold wind so we headed back to the hides..First one was busy so we didny go in....went to the marsh hide and only one other  guy in so that suited us as in flew a green sandpiper 

Some sleepy heads

Then in flew a kingie woohoo


And then he moved even closer to the other side of the hide where the lighting was just perfect 

I was changing camera when he went fishing!!!

He was my perfect wee firework.....was chilled to the bone and hubby had sneezing fits so had to call it a morning 

Thanks for looking

Hope you enjoyed as much as me ;-)

(Pardon the Scottish Accent)