A weekend birding in Norfolk- the guys are back!

The team assembled at lunchtime on

THURSDAY  26/10 at Eldernell

We saw 42 Cranes, a couple of dozen Ruff , 100+ Lapwing, fieldfares, 4 Whooper Swans , a Stonechat

and a Short Eared Owl: 

Spp- 35.

FRIDAY  27/10  Frampton RSPB

14 Whooper swans flew in and 2 Peregrines were sitting on the barn- Kingfishers were about- 2 Goldeneye were in front of the Reserve Centre

1 Little Stint was hiding with the Dunlin in front of 360 Hide.

No sign of the Slavonian Grebe anywhere despite reports in various places- we saw at least 9 Little Grebes at the reserve and on the Reservoir:

Greenshank were on the Reservoir and around the reserve: Eventiually by splitting the team we located the Lesser Yellowlegs on the flood east of the Res and 

the Long Tailed Duck near 360 Hide  Slight smile

Spp 72

SATURDAY  28th   Titchwell RSPB-

No sign of the Yellow Browed Warbler and we missed the Hawfinch- but we found a Slavonian Grebe, a Red Necked Grebe, 10 GCGs a Red Breasted Merganser, Razorbill and Gannet:

Also 80 Common Scoter, Avocet,  Greenshank, Knot, Turnstone, Barwit, Golden Plover :

Moving to Holme we found Brambling and Woodcock 

Trip Total 107spp

For advice about Birding, Identification,field guides,  binoculars, scopes, tripods,  etc - put 'Birding Tips'   into the search box

  • Sunday-

    we only had the morning so mooched around the west end of Holkham pines and Burnham Overy Staithe / Gun Hill

    Peregrines, Common Buzzards, Red Kites, Swallows ( not a bad late date) Pinkfeet, thrushes and a SEO:

    Group Trip total 110:

    For advice about Birding, Identification,field guides,  binoculars, scopes, tripods,  etc - put 'Birding Tips'   into the search box