A little bit of this, and a little bit of that

We had a few birds pop in to the garden last week, whilst I was home alone, a couple of which we've not had before... at least, not whilst I've been watching!

I'm experimenting with ways of speeding the posting process up, so I've no idea if these pics will be clickable or not, and all I've done is crop them

One of the regulars

And another... who has actually worked out how to feed from the sunflower heart feeder! (shot through the kitchen door)

The first new comer

The Coal Tit stayed around for about 3 days. I decided to tuck myself in the garage which gives a better view of the feeders, but no view of the birdbath.

The second newbie came by straight after!

And an irregular visitor

There was no argy-bargy between the two, but the the Coal Tit disappeared

And one of the Goldfinch just showed off its wonderful feathers

The Sparrows have been forever present since we've been here

As have the Starlings

being raucous and causing mayhem whenever the descend (Mrs PB calls them the bully boys lol)

Not quite sure what happened to the slightly smaller images, but it seemed a quicker method over all.... I'll just have to stop taking 1000 images every time I go out lol

Hope you enjoyed our visitors, but not seen the Coal Tit or LTT in the garden since, fingers crossed for their return.

Thanks for looking

Stay Safe All