A couple of recent trips to Minsmere, one featuring a Shore Lark

On one trip the conditions weren't great, cloudy and windy, but I did find one juvenile male hiding in the reeds eating seeds.

Along the dunes a Stonechat bouncing along.

Back at the pond near the visitor centre the Water Vole was out and about.

A few days later the conditions were much better, calm and sunny, and I soon found some Bearded Reedlings

Then somebody came along and mentioned a Shore Lark on the path by the dunes. It was very obliging and if you kept still it would bounce past you quite close by.

Then a Grass Snake was reported sunning itself on top of a Gorse Bush

One last look at the Shore Lark, which continued to show most of the day.

By now the Bearded Reedlings had gone back into the reed beds.

An eventful couple of trips.

Best Wishes,
