Mixed Bag from Flooded Haugh

So the rain finally stopped for an hour today so we could get out a walk....usual stomping ground!

Lots of Robins about today

several flocks flew over fast...i assume they were starlings and not midges lol

Yeah ano they are rubbish but it was a rubbish day lol

Cows looked happy though

Even a cheeky cow!

It's a Dunnock ;-)

And a Song Thrush...not that it was singing :-(

A just liked the tree...and missed a Jay flying into it lol

A 5 star bug hotel

The swollen Clyde 

Must have burst it banks round corner and flooded over into the scrapes as now 1 giant one instead of 3 or 4

The hide looks flooded aswell

Just as we thought

Although a grey waggie was enjoying the hide lol

Cows being friendly today lol

And finished as I started with another Robin

Wasn't much else around and the cows were beginning to lie down telling me "get running up the hill Linda before the heavens open again"...which I did and it did lol

Not very interesting bird wise but just nice to get out 

Thanks for looking ;-)

(Pardon the Scottish Accent)