Should I wish you all a merry Xmas the now??
Not many details!
(Pardon the Scottish Accent)
But we know how suspect this software is - click on "Latest" when there is no more timing information and it goes straight to page 1 rather than the latest addition to a thread, yet another feature that doesn't do what it should.
here we go I have receieved an email back on the links issue today
I’ve heard things like that before. We shouldn’t have for items to be missing for so long. There has been promises made before. And even though January is a set date. That doesn't mean the software will be ok. I’ve seen this with the RSPB Community Forum many times before. If everything is ok by January. We will see if that happens. But we shouldn’t have to wait that long!
I see they have their video back on home page...less pixilated but still not as good quality as one would have expected! More money wasted IMO