
Had a walk along the river Valency in Boscastle, saw this Wasp with a fly, at first I thought it had caught it but am thinking it found it on a spider's web and was stealing it.


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  • Crikey! There's some creepy things go on in the insect world ... Scream

    I was in Boscastle the day before the great flood back in 2004 ... Fearful

  • That’s a very good close up of the wasp. I got a fact you might find interesting A lot of people think ( all) wasps sting but did you know it’s only the females that sting. The thing they use to lay eggs has also been modified into a stinger to protect themselves. The males lack a stinger cause there main job is to mate the females job is to lay eggs. Bees have evolved the same way. Wasps also pollinate flowers like Bees and are also classed as pollinators aswell. At this time of year though wasps are looking for insects cause they eat insects. What camara and lens did you use to get the photo cause it’s a very good photo of the wasp?

  • The Canon R6 and the Canon 100mm macro lens.


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  • Oh I must have missed this beastie 1st time round .,.sorry James...
    Nice photo...also nice to see you still with us now and again ;-)

    (Pardon the Scottish Accent)

  • I took a photo of some sort of burrowing wasp at Arne the other day not realising until I zoomed in that it was dragging a bee down the hole with it. I was doing a circuit of Hyde Heath at the time. My bee photo on another thread was taken on that same loop.

  • Thanks. for me I don’t have an R6 but I got a Canon camara aswell it’s abit older than yours model wise but Its new. I got a canon m6 and at the moment iv only got a 15 to 45 so can’t do macro shots I still manage to take good pictures but I can only zoom in so far. It a very good photo of the wasp