Minsmere in August.

August can be a quiet time for bird watching anywhere in the UK and Minsmere is no exception. However if you are prepared to get up early and arrive between 6 and 7 in the morning (or earlier) there is quite a bit going on.

The following pictures were taken over two days earlier this week, the incentive to get up early was helped by a new lens that just needed testing.

Walking along the dunes by the sea and first up a moulting Stonechat with no tail feathers.

Then a couple of Wheatears being very confiding.

Moulting Reed Bunting.

On to East Hide and lots of birds on the Scrape.

Avocet feeding.

Common Sandpiper on a beautiful calm day, great for reflections.

One of three Spoonbills that have become regular visitors, they are generally a long way off and often sleeping.

Common Sandpipers.

There were a few Ruff about.

This one haunted by Godwits that only exist as reflections!

Green Sandpiper.

Spoonbill again, this one with a damaged wing but it can fly alright.

A very distant view of a Spotted Redshank, right on the far side of the scrape and heat haze not helping.

Back in the Dunes and the two confiding Wheatears are showing well again.

By 9.00am many of the little waders have moved on and things quieten down, there's still plenty to see but it's further off.

Best Wishes,


  • This one is a Common Sandpiper from the same visit.

  • Lovely set as usual, Trevor. Some beautiful light showing the plumages well. Are you still 4/3-ing? And you can't tease a new lens but not say what it was!!
    Thanks for sharing
  • I'm still with Micro 4/3, I changed from Lumix to OM System at the start of the year and my new lens is the 150/400 f4.5 Pro. It has built in 1.25 teleconverter and I also have a 1.4 TC.
    Some of the Wheatear shots and most of the waders and Spoonbills were shot with both Teleconverters in place giving me a 35mm equivalent of 1400mm f8.
  • It's certainly a very good combo! What sort of shutter speeds are you using at that magnification? And are you hand held? (Just asking coz my new lens should be with me soon)

  • Thanks PB,
    I was using Auto ISO with shutter speed set to 1/2000 sec minimum, for birds in flight it's Auto ISO and 1/3200 sec minimum. I never use a tripod but will rest the camera on a ledge when in a hide. The stabilization is rated at 8 stops with camera and body synchronised.
    What lens are waiting for?
    The OM 150/400 PRO had a waiting time of 9 to 12 months but I got it in 4 weeks because someone ahead of me cancelled their order.
  • Thanks PB,
    I was using Auto ISO with shutter speed set to 1/2000 sec minimum, for birds in flight it's Auto ISO and 1/3200 sec minimum. I never use a tripod but will rest the camera on a ledge when in a hide. The stabilization is rated at 8 stops with camera and body synchronised.
    What lens are waiting for?
    The OM 150/400 PRO had a waiting time of 9 to 12 months but I got it in 4 weeks because someone ahead of me cancelled their order.
  • The new Nikon Z 180-600 f5.6-6.3.... I was waiting for that, then accidentally bought a Z8 too.... with a completely different AF to the Z7II I had previously... so another learning curve to scale lol. I've managed to get the 1.4 TC a few months ago, so potentially in crop sensor mode it could be approx 1500mm equivalent
  • Hi PB,
    That sounds like an impressive pairing, should give you some great reach, and time to get used it before the birds get active again in the Autumn.