Garden Party In The Rain

So got woken up this morning as always with Maggie taken refuge from the rain on the ensuite windowsill...pecking away at the got up to move him on then was just gonna jump back in bed but as always I can't resist a look out into the birds were having a part but forgot to invite me!!!

Straight doon stairs kettle on blinds/curtains open..scared away a few bird but time a got myself settled with coffee and camera....they were all flying about like mad...a didn't know where to point 1st....

Pics ain't great as all taken through patio doors :-(

The young bullies

Couldn't manage all 3 together

Youngish BBs

Had 3 of them also..not that they liked each other much!

Next up chiffblers...well you can decided lol

I think they may all be chiffchaff...young and adult 

The usual crowd now

Wee Dunnock in the cage!

Yeah ano ano am boring the backside off you all now but just one more to add to my list of Garden visitors 

So delighted I spotted it

A Common Whitethroat...woohoo

Oh it's been a while since I have had a garden party like that and now to add the Whitethroat to my list!!!

Thanks all for looking...

Hope you enjoyed as much as I did ;-)

(Pardon the Scottish Accent)