Bits and Pieces From My Garden

Not been out for a while, inclement weather and general idleness both contributing, but I did spot a little beauty in the garden a few days back, who has been returning, so I popped out and snapped a few shots after work (oh...yeah... work... that was the other reason I'd not been out!) 

16/07: The usual view of said little beauty

A better view, despite gloom, and wind.... Hummingbird Hawk Moth

Didn't realise there were 2 Mint Moths until I looked on the big screen!

Almost worthy of the Bottoms Up thread!

17/07: Hopeful of Hummingbird Hawk Moth... not to be Disappointed

Red Admiral, though

A bee!

Mint Moth not in the shade. I'm always amazed by the intricate detail being as they are smaller than your little finger nail!

Golden fly of some sort

And a Red Admiral kindly showing upper and under wings! (Just for Cin Wink)

18/07: It was a bit brighter, so there was more about!

Overflying Martins were in good supply... shame about my focussing ability!

Red Admiral


A flybee

Peacock... There seemed to be much enjoyment of the wall!

Red Admiral

Slightly odd view of the mouthparts



Red Admiral

Old Faithful returned...

A massive surprise (thanks to Cin and Wendy for ID) Silver-Washed Fritillary (valezina)

19/07: Day off today, couple of bits to do around the house so decided not to go out, but to leave camera by the back door, y'know... just in case...

Old Faithful!!

Slightly worn Small Tortoiseshell

The incessant soundtrack to our garden....

Not sure which, but one of several whites... some tattier than others

First Painted Lady of the year


Painted Lady


The Mint Moth was still availing itself of the lavender, next to the now dying Peony

Still a dozen or so Martins fizzing about

There was a lot of doubling up on the Buddleia flowers, between Red Admirals and Peacocks, in all combinations

a pretty tidy White

And a final visit from Old Faithful

So that concludes a couple of late afternoons, and one morning in the garden. I hope you enjoyed. We don't usually get many butterflies so to have that many was a right bonus, and the HHM I saw last year, for three evenings, and now again this last 3 days!

Stay Safe All