Bee's 'n' Bug 'n' 'Flies 'n' Stuff

Feeling a bit guilty about not providing Cin with any Marbled Whites from Alner's Gorse last week, Saturday I went up to the footpath at Compton Down where I've seen them last year, and saw all the Adonis's and Glanville Frits earlier this year. I reasoned that as the weather was cooler, and cloudy, hopefully some may actually settle.

A hovering fly to start!

I know nothing about snails, so don't know if different shell patterns means different species, but I don't remember seeing (or at least noticing) so many different ones

First butterfly, Meadow Brown

More slime makers

There were flies galore... not all as leggy as this one

Certainly more like this one

And more of the stripy variety

And several of the man made type

Gastropods r us!

My hunch was right, with Marbled Whites galore along the same bit of bank where the blues and frits were

Another first of the year, Small Skipper

There were plenty of both male and female Marbled's about (but only 2 Skippers I saw)

The Hoverers were still about

Possible Longhorn Beetle, of some sort?

I watched this Marbled White climb the stem, and being harrassed by 2 other Marbleds... so the Scream mask was donned lol

Just one 6 Spot Burnet today

I saw a lot of Ladybirds too, more than I've seen since I was a kid crawling through the local fields

I spotted a Dark Bush Cricket, and as I looked closer there were 4 or 5 more in about 2 square feet

And a caterpillar was squiggling across the path

And just a foot away, a Grasshopper

Small Skipper again

Another annual first, inconvenient Small Heath!

Marbled loveliness

Another annoyingly inconvenient one... Gatekeeper this time

Tachinua Grossa or something similar.... maybe!

Shiny green one

Shiny bronzey one

Flesh Fly I think

Watching you, watching me

Red Tailed Bumble Bee?

Brace yaself, I'm coming in

Fly-y waspy thing

Not sure on this, but as you can see it's properly diddy

And on the opposite side of the path, there appeared to be another, that was quite happily tug on spiderweb silk!

I'd got back to the car, and still had about an hour spare until Mrs PB was home from having her nails done, so I thought I'd have a meander on the way home, and see if the Barn Owls were about...

Along the track, White Legged Damselfly

Several Banded Demoiselle were loitering with intent to be photographed

Swollen Thigh Beetle?

Unfortunately no sign of Barnie, but another Small Skipper on the way back to the car finished the morning off quite nicely

Hope you enjoyed my couple of hours out, and thanks in advance for any ID's/corrections that I can almost instantly forget again Grinning

Stay Safe All