A Morning Visit to RSPB Loch Lomond

So bank holiday Monday we decided...well I decided on a wee trip to Loch Lomond in hope of seeing an Ospery or Cuckoo. 

Arrived just after 9....

This is what I saw on route to the shore

The boardwalk area was alive with sound..warblers , chats and bunting  I think lol

Need some help



3. Sedge warbler?

4. Young Stonechat 

5.Sedge warbler?

6. Reed Bunting?

7. Sedge warbler?

8. Offski

9. Reed Bunting  ?


11. garden warbler?

Sorry so many question marks but they are all new to me and were rather distant!

Sadly no Osprey or Cuckoo...just me that went Cuckoo with hubby sneezing every 2 seconds grrr!!!

Was a nice wee morning out though despite the midges and sneezes lol

Thanks in advance for you ID help...ano am getting as lazy as PB ;-)

(Pardon the Scottish Accent)