PB and Mrs PB in Scotland... Lots of Bits and Bobs

We headed north from Warrington (a pleasant diversion!) and Mrs PB snapped a couple of scenic shots as we ventured through foreign lands

Cloud did seem to be present through most of the week... who knew there were so many shades of grey... 50? Laughing

It was a good journey up, even the awful bit along Loch Lomond was serene! The route took us along, skirting Oban, whereas on a previous trip we'd gone over Glen Coe with HOOOOOOOGE scenery, this was only quite big lol

We arrived at the cottage and over a cup of coffee I investigated the garden

Just outside the back gate was a tuneful song.... Common Whitethroat... with an example of the changeable sky in the background!

Sunday we explored Ellenabaich on foot, especially the pub, and the harbourside. Out in the bay, a Shag

Pretty Flowers

View across from the harbour wall, to Insh (and probably Mull in the far distance)

A selection of flowers, Bluebells

Some sort of Hyacinth

A Tourist Eagle (Buzzard) circling way up high, intermittently mobbed by a pair of corvids

Rock Pipit

Bird on a Wire ... Chiffchaff I think

Monday was a boat trip for me, in thick murk, mist and drizzle, but for some reason I shot in RAW, whereas usually it's JPEGs, and I'll have to download some software to tinker with the images, mainly to make them light enough to see... so that will be a separate post.

Tuesday was a day in Oban, so when we got back I got my little lens out and did some more garden stuff, Bees and Wasps... shame it wasn't like this weather-wise on Monday!!

Thursday was horrible in the morning, so we lounged, as one does when the weather is inclement. It cleared a bit after lunch, so we headed out to some "temperate rain forest" Ballachuan Hazelwood a couple of miles up the road

Song Thrush

Roe Deer


Newer Lamb

Very distant Wheatear

I saw something pale flying off in the distance and I got excited at the prospect of Hen Harrier.... when I got home it was only a very slight disappointment... Cuckoo Grinning

Pretty Pink Flower

Primrose (see, I'm not COMPLETELY horticulturally ignorant, just mostly!)

Alongside the road, Toady McToad-Face

Bird on a Wire II ... Chaffie

Green Veined White (think it's the 1st one I've snapped this year!)

Everywhere we've been the last couple of weeks has been Swallow filled!

Scottish Moo-er

Roe Deer in the Bluebells


"The Bridge Over The Atlantic" Clachan Bridge Wiki Info with Fairy Foxglove flowers

I shall leave Friday, as it was quite a good trip to Luing, and combine it with the boat trip, once I've worked out how to fix the photos!

Thanks for viewing, and hope you enjoyed

Stay Safe All