PB and Mrs PB in Scotland... The Precursor

So a long planned week away to Seil (just south of Oban) finally came about, and as usual there were some shenanigans. We were originally travelling up Friday, and stopping overnight to see some friends in Warrington, handily about half way. Mrs PB then booked the Thursday too, for packing etc. My boss then said on Monday, could I do him a favour, and work Wednesday, effectively starting my holiday Thursday. A flurry of texts later and Me and Mrs PB were heading to Chester for a visit Thursday (we've often said about visiting), then on to WWT Martin Mere Friday morning, and back to Warrington to meet our friends as originally planned Friday evening.

Chester was lovely, and we'll be heading back to spend more than a couple of hours there sometime soon

Boar, outside the Market

Martin Mere was fabulous, similar to other WWT places, with a conservation led "collection" as well as native birds. Not often shown on here, but some of the striking birds follow, but the first thing spotted out from the visitor centre, were mud gathering Swallows

And nest construction/repair well under way

A female shoveler, showing the in built filtration system

Ruddy Headed Goose

A proper ugly fluffball!

White Storks

They have a pair of Asian Short Clawed Otters, who didn't want to come out at feeding time!

Less of a fluffball, but still pretty ugly!


Trumpeter Swan

Muscovy Duck

A shouty Black Headed Gull

Puna Teal

Snack Time

Wandering passed the otters again, and they were out and about

White Fronted Goose

Cape Teal

Mrs PB's favourite.... Eider


Wood Duck

I've finally seen Mandarins Laughing, but I somehow feel it's "cheating" as they were collection birds Confused

Ferruginous Duck

Also, they were smaller than I imagined....but no less stunning 

Hooded Merganser

White Faced Whistling Duck

Inca Tern


More Inca

Cape Barren Goose.... youngster I think


We were at the cafe, just over the way from the visitor centre, and swallows were nesting here too

And Maggie was just making sure he didn't miss out on any crumbs!

We then headed off to the "natural" side, Mrs Blackbird 

A Finch Filled Feeder

Looking beyond the pool from the 1st hide, I spotted a Hare

I think these are rehab/nursery/isolation areas.... Bronze Winged Duck

Southern Screamer

Speckled Wood

Common Whitethroat

Pretty Yellow Flowers

Red Admiral

More Pretty Yellow Flowers!

Pretty White Flowers!!

A white goose... Ross or Snow?

English Bluebell

And so concludes the pre Scotland bit of our holiday, hope you enjoyed the stunning variety of lesser seen birds. Scotland will follow, probably tomorrow, with an all natural selection of "stuff"!!

Thanks for reading/viewing

Stay Safe All