Skylarks on the Suffolk Coast.

Last Friday I had a couple of hours to spare so thought I'd head to Dunwich to see if I could find the Twite again. No such luck, but as always on the grass path north of the Beach Car Park the Skylarks were performing beautifully. The path is well used by ramblers and dog walkers and the Skylarks have become quite tolerant of human traffic and very confiding allowing quite close up views.

The males were performing their ascending flight and singing regularly giving me plenty of opportunities to try for flight shots.

This one was just passing.

It was a very breezy day, with lots of ruffled feathers.

Finally one in mid song.

Sometimes they were perched on the dunes overlooking the sea.

More ruffled feathers.

There was a flock of Linnets about but they were very flighty and there was was too much human traffic for them to settle for long.

Finally one Skylark descended from a flight song and landed near me looking very pleased with himself.

Best Wishes,
