Dull Drizzly Day at the Haugh

Wasn't meant to rain until 2pm ish today but usual got in car and the spot appeared on the windscreen...och what the hell we needed to get out and squelch in some mud lol

Could hear chiffchaff calling when we arrive but couldn't see much with the grey sky....

Jackdaws in a field

Into 1st hide spoke to another birder but not much doing other than a Sparrowhawk out and about....more activity in my garden I just left lol

Skipped the next hide as could see a few folk in...chiffchaff were following us ...was pretty raging as a thought about PB and his lovely pics grrrrr...

GSW was doing a bit of drilling but a could easily see that at home aswell....pick up your long face Linda as your gonna trip over it....yes I told myself that as I squelched through the mud onto the closed path...well its not closed to me am a member lol

On the big pond a couple of Whooper swans

And the usual guys

On the Clyde behind us was Mrs Goosander as always

Looked back towards the pond at a few flying gull to notice the tiny dots that were Sand Martins 

So wasn't getting a decent pic of them but it lifted my spirits just seeing them as the midges bit my face

Decided to go all the way around and could Yes hear the chiffchaff follow us...saw 2 kingies wiz up the Clyde but no pic as a wasn't ready lol

Mr and Mrs Bully were trying to hide but a got him

Mmm the smell of the onion grass

My path has totally gone so had to wade through more mud lol

And Soooooo blooming GLAD I DID


It was pretty far away and light was crap but heyho it made my day

Then it took off down the river

And I Skipped all they way up the field...through the forest 

Passed a bemused squirrel with a rather muddy nose

Back to the car smiling...I saw A DIPPER finally..

See its no such a bad day out in the drizzley weather

Thanks for looking ;-)

(Pardon the Scottish Accent)