Two days out and about in Suffolk

Last Saturday I went to Lackford Lakes for a day out and to see the results of Suffolk Wildlife Trust's Photo Competition 2022. The winning entries topped a high class field of submissions and my entries although highly regarded didn't make the final selections.

On a happier note for me the weather was bright and sunny and the Alder trees were well populated by Siskins and Redpolls. The Siskins were very approachable and quite close.

I spent quite a while trying to get a shot of an elusive Long-tailed Tit and had to settle for just one decent shot.

Further along the path the Alder trees were populated by Redpolls.

There was not much to be seen close to the hides apart from this Cormorant.

And this Reed Bunting.

By now I had lost the sun but that gave an opportunity of a picture of a Little Egret in softer lighting giving a lot more detail in the feathers.

Back near the visitor Centre a couple of Reed Buntings.

A couple of days later I went to Dunwich Heath with my wife, it was very cold and windy and we didn't see much until we went a little further up the coast to Dunwich Beach car park where a couple of Twite had been seen recently. Just a few yards north of the car park there was the ever present Stonechats and Skylarks.

Then the two Twite appeared not quite as close as the Stonechats and Skylarks but a great view anyway.

Skylarks still virtually under my feet.

A view of one of the Twite to reassure the I.D.

We went back to the car to thaw out with a cup of tea and my wife spotted a passing Barn Owl and I was just quick enough to get back out of the car and grab a few shots.

These images just the highlights of two great days out and a lot of pleasure was had seeing many other birds.

Best Wishes,
