A Wee Trip Doon the Coast

So decided on a wee drive doon to Royal Troon yesterday morning ...weather was to be dry until about 1...was rather grey when we arrived but hey ho it was a change of scenery. 

Parked up and walked along a rather uneven walkway in hope of seeing lots of birds in the rock pools below

Wasn't to be lol

Not sure if this was a Cormorant 

But am sure I know these nostrils lol

Finally a bird or 2!!

Well a Carrotbills bum lol

Eider flyby 

Can't go to the seaside and no see a gull 

Wee starling 

Yeah yeah I see you no need for the noise 

PB pal

Wee waggies were bouncing about 

We walked back via the higher safer route!

Went round to the harbour...should be renamed Eider harbour

And another pair of nostrils popped up

Then it was onto another beach (Barsssie Beach)...sadly it was more like dog walking beach

Curlews took off

Even a crow was offski

Then a huge bird appeared from the clouds 

US Airforce 

Big Bird v wee bird lol

Then back in the car another metal bird flew over but could stop for a pic....

Saw it parked up at the Airport 

Was Canadian Airforce 

Then the rain started so was time to head home...

Was an OK day and nice to get some fresh sea air in our lungs .

Hope you enjoyed and thanks for looking ;-)

(Pardon the Scottish Accent)