A sunny day on the Suffolk Coast.

We started the day at Hazelwood Marshes, we should have looked at a tide table before we went, with the tide right out all the many birds were way too far off for photography, but it was lovely and peaceful out there and we had it all to ourselves.

The Oyster Catchers at least came close to us.

Reed Bunting along the path.

This may be my first photo of Rooks.

After a Fish and Chips lunch in Aldeburgh we went to North Warren for the last of the afternoon.

Always plenty of Widgeon at this time of year plus a Turnstone on the beach.

The next day I went to Minsmere.

At Island Mere a couple of Bitterns gave a fly past, but with sun behind them.

A couple of Reed Buntings at the waters edge.

In the woods one brief glimpse of a Treecreeper.

From the Bittern Hide some Teal.

Then somebody said look, a Sparrow Hawk, just in time for me to get a few shots before it veered off to the side.

Finally a Marsh Harrier, the wrong side for the sun again.

The end of another sunny Suffolk day.

Best Wishes,
