On a Lovely Winters Day

Think it was actually 10° yesterday...glorious sunshine and as we finished work early a wee walk around the Haugh was in order...

A bug house or 2 had been built

Corvids were doing some chasing ...(chasing a Kestrel at one point ...right into the sun obviously!!)

Impossible to photograph then so that's all got lol

Now all has defrosted it looks so bare like someone has taken a strimmer to everything 

Nowhere for kingie to perch now

One warming its bum in the sun

Saw a grey waggie on the river

The Lapwings were up ..always a pleasure to watch them and even get a decent pic or 2 this time ;-)

Across the river were a tree of winter visiting thrushes

Then it was one GIANT leap for me or a very long walk back lol

Thankfully the cows weren't in the field like the last time so no running for my life just a slow march up the hill

And last one of the day was a Deer in the the woods

Well that was our winters afternoon in the sun at the Haugh...

hope you all enjoyed...thanks for looking;-)

(Pardon the Scottish Accent)