Pre Christmas at Lodmore

Firstly, my apologies for not posting sooner, but I really couldn't be bothered with the rigmarole!! Today, however I was in the mood, so here follows the highlights of a couple of hours at Lodmore (Weymouth) in December on a bright, crisp day:

First up, Jenny, just warming the tip of her tale!

There were a number of Little Egret milling about

Poor photo, but only the 2nd one I've seen... Water Rail (it was the day after Linda saw her first one!)

Robin looking festive

There were quite a few crows about, both on the wetland area, and along the paths

A couple of games of "Spot the Not Lapwing" ... ID's would be nice on the first one please

More Little Egret action... the water was quite low, so a lot of reflective imagery

I've never seen so many Snipe as that day, 30+ I reckon

And my first ever Golden Plover (there had been over 200 on the previous couple of days, but today just the two!)

Rule number 1... keep your eyes peeled!

I was scolded by a woman for taking this picture "you must be desperate taking Dunnock photos"!! Your loss love, I thought!

Employing my world renowned stalking technique* I managed to get a little closer to this Snipe

Difficult for me to tell from the back, but I think Marsh Harrier came and sat for a moment or two

A selection of the water birds on show

Snipe Island, invaded by a lone Teal

As I said, I'd never seen so many


Gadwall... dozing afloat

More Dunnock!

It was definitely frosty!

There were a couple of Moorhens about

But I think the highest total were the Lapwings

But the best circus act award goes to juggling Mrs Blackbird

There were mainly Black Headed Gulls, but occasional Lesser Black Backed too

Maggie in flight is always a delight if you can catch it

And finally, I must have been really desperate... another Dunnock...with a snackette :o)

Hope you enjoyed the late retelling of my trip, and thanks for looking

Stay Safe All 

*the world renowned stalking tactic is to walk slowly and quietly and cross your fingers you're not spotted Grin