Baddesley Clinton 21 Jan 2023

No, I haven't given up on the barn owls, but its that time of year when the snowdrops start to show around here, so that was the plan for this trip to Baddesley Clinton, a National Trust house and grounds not too far from my home, and one that yields a lot of wildlife and plant life.

I think someone overslept, for the gates open around 08:00, but this morning it was almost 08:30. But that actually played out nicely, for as I was driving along the long twisty drive to the car park, redwings were flying past to forage in the field across the road.

Netherwood Lane, just across the road from the gate, looked good in the freezing fog....

The first redwing, in the car park....

It was a nice frosty morning...

My favourite five bar farm gate, nothing special, just that I like to photograph it in all seasons, and each time it looks different.

Then off to the copse by St Michael's Church , often a good place to see redwings, and snowdrops.

First, the sun rising over Hay Wood

A frosty field, and looking down to the SE side of Baddesley Clinton house

and farm tracks across the frosty field...

More redwings....

And note the daffodil shoots, they should be in full bloom the latter half of March

This wee one needs no explanation

And Snowdrops, in the church, always a good display, though still a little early yet, but looking good....

Back to the copse, 

More birds that need no intro....

And finally, a quick wander around the grounds at Baddesley Clinton, to see what plant life was showing, and so far, just this one wee snowdrop....

It won't be all that long before the crocuses start showing either....