Brandon Marsh 17 Jan

I've been making good use of the new boots and albeit cold, but dry weather, and also my 24/7 keycard, plus, trying to see a barn owl.....

Well, you know what they always say, never work with animals. But it is good fun.

To start, the first photos are before sunrise, which at the time was around 08:08hrs

A frozen East Marsh Pool

Sunrise from the hide, which is near to the barn owl nestbox....

The sun has risen, no barn owl, so it was a slow wander back towards the café, and a stop off at a hide or two....

The obligatory Canada Geese on ice.....

Boaty McCanadaGoose, had managed to break the ice after pecking, no, make that jabbing away at the ice. Once it had made a big enough hole, it then got down and placed its belly on the ice, rocking away until the hole was yey bigger, before using a rocking motion to break the ice as it swam away, toward  a thawed part of the pool!

That's ingenuity for you....

I should have taken my tripod, because it would have made for a fascinating video.

The new boardwalk, currently under water, but a great reflection...

Then, it was in the café for a hot sausage bap and hot choccie, but also, to see Mrs/Miss Chaffie through the window.....

  • Lovely photos. Good to have the narrative and the scenery as well as the wildlife. Thanks for sharing. Being a night owl rather than a morning person, I appreciate the efforts others make early in the day!
  • Another lovely set Mike ;-)

    (Pardon the Scottish Accent)

  • DB_Fife said:
    Lovely photos. Good to have the narrative and the scenery as well as the wildlife. Thanks for sharing. Being a night owl rather than a morning person, I appreciate the efforts others make early in the day!

    You're welcome, and thank you.

    I guess for virtually all my working life, I've had to get up around 04:00, apart from when I worked shifts, so its ingrained in the body clock even after almost two years of retirement.

    I did try to lie in, but I just got fidgety, and told off by Mrs PR, so I continue to get up at 4, I'm comfortable with it, and if I want to make a long trip out, like a three hour drive away, its no extra turmoil to get up and go.