New Year, New Camera and Waxwings.

This is my first post in ages and just before Christmas I invested in a new camera and lens moving from my Lumix G9 and Leica 100 400 mm to an Olympus/OM Systems OM1 and Olympus 100 400 mm. The change was made because of the much higher spec and focusing capabilities of the Olympus system. The overall image quality will be similar but the keeper rate, especially of birds in flight should be much higher.

After a lot of practice learning the menus and capabilities of the new set up I went to North Warren RSPB.

Good light and birds not too far from the hide for once, although it was very cold and windy.





Following regular reports of Waxwings in nearby Ipswich I finally found time to go and see them, my first Waxwings for four years.

They were perching in a high tree in somebodies garden in the sun, then swooping down to a Rowan Tree to feed very briefly(sometimes only a few seconds) before going back to the high tree. They repeated this every 15 to 20 minutes most of the day, unfortunately the Rowan Tree was is shade virtually all day because of the surrounding houses of it's suburban side street location.

A couple of days later they were still there although now only 5 from the previous 7.

I was there at a better time to get some sun on the Rowan Tree this time.

These are just a few of rather too many photos(if you can have too many Waxwing photos) and the birds were still there yesterday after about 2 weeks of regular sightings.

Life has rather got in the way of keeping up with posts for some time I hope to do a bit more in the future once I've fully mastered the new camera.

Best Wishes,


  • Bullfinches only rarely visit our garden, but these ones are only 200 yards from where I live and have visited the same trees for many years.
  • Hello Trevor, good to have you back with us again. Not only back but with amazing photos as well. The new camera and the operator certainly are working well together. Look forward to seeing your further posts.

    Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

  • TJS said:

    Thanks Mike,

    After a slow start progress with the camera and it's very different menu set up has been quite good, but still much to learn.

    I see you're out and about again, how are you these days? and I guess you're more than happy with the new camera.

    Best Wishes,


    I know what you mean about changing cameras, I'm still getting to grips with the R5, but enjoying every moment with it.

    I fell lucky on New Years Eve.

    I have big problems getting footwear that fits my swollen right foot, and with the ongoing issues from last summer, yes, still having issues, all the dressings that pad out the swollen leg, so trousers are a bit tight.

    Any way, I saw my local outdoor emporium had a pair of reasonable boots in size 13, so I took a look, but alas, no good. The young lad on the boot section (he was on secondment from another store for Xmas/NY leave cover) seemed to more than know his stuff as we chatted, and suggested trying another brand of walking boot, they had just the one pair in size 13, a brand I know, trust and used as my prime boot for mountaineering, but damned expensive, and to my surprise, my right foot just slid in, and even better, the left foot wasn't sloppy either.

    I'm currently like a dog with ten tails, not two.....

    But it is taking its toll on my leg, and it has been hinted I may need to back off a bit....

    The concerns are, things have made a slow change for the better, though there are signs it is slowing down and a fear it could go backwards. It's being monitored daily still, and the practice nurse is very good and looking at ways to keep the momentum up

  • As they say, patience is a virtue, but where can you get a good supply of it, especially when you've got a new camera to play with. Hopefully progress with your leg will improve by the Spring when taking it easier may prove even harder.
    Very best wishes,
  • TJS said:
    As they say, patience is a virtue, but where can you get a good supply of it, especially when you've got a new camera to play with. Hopefully progress with your leg will improve by the Spring when taking it easier may prove even harder.

    Very best wishes,

    Everyone is doing their best, I can't ask for more (apart from very very slowly wringing the genitals of the imbecile who put me in this mess), the rest is down to the leg.

    I'm hoping to get to N Wales for Easter, I've family there, and then Scotland in May. We'll see, but in the meantime, I'll continue to try and wear those new boots out, and the R5...  Wink