In My Garden 2023

Another year been gone went!!! 

Last years here

I wonder what exciting wildlife shall show up in the garden this year

So to kick off 2023 in my garden  a couple of wee cuties from this morning (a cold and Frosty one)

(Pardon the Scottish Accent)

  • It was only a baby itself CL...glad it's moved on though!

    (Pardon the Scottish Accent)

  • Hope you are all enjoying the sun and getting an equal share of the rain although not enough rain IMO

    Just a wee quick update from the garden....

    This little guy comes to visit on his own every day...he seems at ease in the garden

    Then his relatives turn up.....causing mayhem

    Seriously not big enough for 1 to have a wash in!

    More suited to this size

    The garden is pretty much dominated by the starlings just now which is always lovely to see

    Thanks for looking and stay safe in the sun ;-)

    (Pardon the Scottish Accent)

  • Hi Linda, babies everywhere just now, I have not seen any young starlings yet, have had sparrow, goldfinch, blackbird (nested in garden), and songhrush. I bought one of those wicker,twig woven bird houses, like a large swiss roll, and fixed it in a bush, hoping the robin would use it. Last week, I was seeing a wagtail about on the lawn, on watching it, it flew into the bush, excited was I. Obviously could not go near to investigate, but from inside I can see from the window, as the hedge is away from the wall a bit, waited and out out flew waggie, did not know from where though, waited for it to come back and into the wee house it went. Can't wait to see the young ones. Many years back we had swallows build in the overhang at the front door, have hardly seen them over the years, well they are back this year and have built a nest in exactly the same place. All ready for her to lay and sit. What a mess they make, last time I laid newspaper and lifted the top sheet each day, had to wrap paper around the hand banister as well!! Hopefully we will have babies and I will post their progress. Longing for a bit of rain up here!! Sun started on Sunday, not too hot, yesterday bit hotter and by this afternoon, meant to be 26c!! Will be looking for shade somewhere!! Enjoy all your young one's. CL x

    Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

  • Oh wow sounds like you have a very busy garden CL..hopefully exciting times ahead with all the new babies..look forward to seeing your posts ;-)

    (Pardon the Scottish Accent)

  • Great Photos Linda love the starling with the fluffed feathers it looks like it had just come out of the bird bath. Love your new bird bath I see the birds love it too.
  • Thanks ILR...yeah a dont see the adult starlings in the garden as often now that the young are rebel teenagers its no even big enough to be a bird bath...a wee drink maybe but that's all lol

    (Pardon the Scottish Accent)

  • At the rate they are growing Linda they will be adults before you know it too.
  • So I had the trail cam out at the pond to see who was visiting in this hot weather..

    Mr BB never away 

    Crow dipping food!!

    A wee goldie

    And to my surprise..MR BLACKCAP!!! NOT seen one for quite a while!


    Always a pigeon on 2

    Mr Squirrel 

    Mrs BB 

    Finally young Great tit

    Bedraggled dad I guess

    Is there anywhere this guy won't sunbathe lol

    I was kind of hoping for Tawny Owl as hear it calling every night but delighted with Mr blackcap...just shows you what sneeks in when your not looking ;-)

    (Pardon the Scottish Accent)

  • Another nice set of photos Linda and great to see the black cap, I had one return earlier in the year always nice to see and thanks for sharing your lovely photos
  • Thanks ILR ..yes I remember your blackcap......perhaps yours has ventured here lol

    (Pardon the Scottish Accent)