Ham Wall, Sat 12th Nov

Fabulous forecast, Mrs PB at work, a tank of fuel and a hankering for somewhere I'd not been in a while, led to Ham Wall, with an early start, alas, no sausages in crusty rolls Disappointed

Greeted at the car park pools by Mrs Reed Bunting (I think!)

Onto the main trail, a lot of Swans about


Across the ditch, above the swan, Mrs Blackbird paused, as if to say, I'm not moving so you can't see me... bus as soon as you go, I'll be snaffling those berries!

There was still insect activity a big old Dumbledore (and Darter later)

Sat in the middle of the first lake, "Ahh, a drop of morning sun"

Any thoughts on this fella?

Several phalanxes of Canada Geese came in through the morning

Slightly distant Gadwall, unfortunately they didn't come any closer

Old faithful, picking up someone's offering!

And probably the least skittish Maggie I've seen, iridescing magnificently

Persistent Jenny, ensuring I left the territory in a timely manner!

Slightly distant, between the reeds, Great Crested Grebe

A short distance away were some "people" shooting (not sure at what) and one bout of gunfire made both me and the birds jump!

More insect activity...Hornets. There were quite a few about, but most seemed reluctant to settle

Whilst peering into the foliage for whatever it was that rustled... Suprise!!!!

And alongside were a family of Lollipops, at least a dozen

As I followed the damp grass path round, bounding towards me was a squirrel... at sight of me it stopped stock still, "Wot nut? I've got no nut"

I think it must have been a youngster, because rather than running away, it came running toward me, so much so that it was too close for my lens to focus. It then lost it's brave gene, and turned and legged it!

As promised earlier, a late flying Common Darter

A distant Great White Egret caught my eye

Followed by some lovely views of several Marsh Harriers

A lovely Stonechat popped up out of nowhere

But then it was back to Marshie watching duties!

There were a good number of Shoveler about

Alongside Teal and Wigeon

And a surprising number of Red Admirals... this one in full stained glass mode as it was above my eye level on the plant!

I headed back to the car for lunch, just boring cheese and cucumber sarnies, but they filled a hole, and reinvigorated I headed over the road for a post lunch perusal of Shapwick Heath... first up...another Red Admiral!

If I'd stopped walking along the path for about 5 minutes, this Marshie would have flown directly over head!

Hmmm... I wonder what might have put this lot up??

An instinctive from the hip burst managed to catch one image in the frame of Kingie as it whizzed by

There were more lollipops this side of the road, pretending to be their cousins

Another Stonechat

And something on the way back to the car park that I can't work out...

I managed to get a bit closer to this beauty!!

I hope you enjoyed my brief ramble around the Somerset Levels, as always, thanks for any ID corrections/confirmations and provisions!

Stay Safe All

  • Great set and variety PB, lovely place, we've not been for years. A bit of a trek from Suffolk, certainly not a day trip.

    Cheers Tony
  • Nice to see the old boy's been back out with his new super camera lol
    I think your bird on way back to carpark is a female chaffi
    Some super shots PB and a lovely variety..was out yesterday for an hour myself but never even seen enough for a post lol
    Thanks for sharing yours ;-)

    (Pardon the Scottish Accent)

  • Thanks all, was certainly blessed by the weather!
    Tony, make a trip of it and combine with Slimbridge.
    . We're heading your way mid December for a few nights hopefully, I'll give you a lift half way back lol
    Linda... Was out again Saturday, some more sunshiney shots posted after work... Ta for chaffi Relaxed
    Thanks Kathy, only seen RA's recently so tortoiseshell would have been a nice change lol. I really like the way the egret is lit, through the gloom Grin
  • Hi PB,
    Great selection from a lovely sunny day out, topped off with a great portrait shot of the Great Egret.
    Sunny days seem to in very short supply here in Suffolk at the moment, so patiently waiting for a decent break in the wet weather.
    Best Wishes,
  • Hi PB,
    Great selection from a lovely sunny day out, topped off with a great portrait shot of the Great Egret.
    Sunny days seem to in very short supply here in Suffolk at the moment, so patiently waiting for a decent break in the wet weather.
    Best Wishes,
  • Thanks Trevor Slight smile We seem to be getting sunny part days now, more often than not coinciding with when I'm at work. Typical! lol
  • Blimey I would be more than happy with a walk like that PB, fabulous variety of birds (and others) jealous of the Marsh Harriers giving you such a good viewing, and of course love both the Robin and Stonechat but the GWE is stunning, reminiscent of another bird that ducks and dives in the shallow water.

    Lot to learn