More Peregrine falcon

I actually thought the Peregrine was a pigeon, when I first saw it, as all I spotted was this grey thing, fluttering down to the ground on what will be reed beds.

As usual, I reeled off a couple or three shots, and was most surprised to find a bird of prey. And even more surprised to find a Peregrine falcon.  A friend of mine, said he had seen it the week before chasing our recently resident Marsh Harrier.

I didn't think I'd see the bird again, but half an hour later I saw it being mobbed, firstly by a Carrion crow, and then by gulls erupting from Finch pond. The Peregrine falcon has its head turned upward to track the gull about to dive bomb it.

It flew quite close to me, on the Blackwater footpath, before turning west and heading for the Fleet Hill farm part of the nascent Longwater road nature reserve.

A more mundane Winchat

90% luck, 5% field craft, 5% camera skills.