A Visit to WWT Caerlaverock

So yesterday we decided on a trip to WWT Caerlaverock in Dumfries after it was recommended to us ;-)

Well I say it was certainly worth the drive and we had a fabulous afternoon there.

From when we arrived and opened the car door until we left to return home there was never a quiet moment.

So here are some pics from our trip......

Barnacle Geese had arrived that morning ...

A 1st for me

Whoopers had followed me down from the Haugh me thinks with a few others lol

Little Grebe (for Gaynor) complete with snack

Little Egret ...another 1st

Or 2

And it's uncle Heron 


Oh yes its another 1st...Tree Sparrow 

Chiffchaff...a think

More Redwing


I know it's a crap pic but never seen so many Curlew 

Hobbit House

Pooh Bears House? Lol

And for the stars of the day...Geese a plenty

I must admit an afternoon wasn't long enough!!! Guess we will just have to make a return visit one day soon ;-)

Hope you all enjoyed as much as we did.

Thanks for looking ;-)

(Pardon the Scottish Accent)