Autumn Treats

Today was probably our last water training session and what a difference to last weekend - which was our test weekend and proved challenging for dogs, humans and birds

This morning the lake was like glass

A pair of  guardians were on sentry duty  - it's unusual to have Buzzards down here as the Marsh Harriers don't like to share their patch as a rule 

A bit of warming up, and yoga 

Little Egret

The boys are back in town  - the small flock of over wintering Pochard have returned along with Great Crested Grebe

Assorted water fowl - I can spot Coot and Pochard but not sure what else it there

Anyone want to help with the circled duck - I was wondering if it was a Scaup 

And for fans of the Bear - this was him & I doing one of our 'safe swims' last weekend 

Towing the boat


Bringing a life ring 

Cin J