A Visit to RSPB in Loch Lomond

Been planning on a visit for a while and finally managed it yesterday. 

When we arrived about 10ish was only 1 other car in the carpark...Happy days

Usual welcoming committee..think its standard wherever you go lol

And I though I had a finch fest

Was a rather murky morning on the Bens

Wee jenny put in an appear eventually 

A couple of posers

And then it was over the boardwalk to the shore forest

Not sure what these acrobats were IDs welcome ;-)

About 10 steps into the forest and the noise from 2 wee cheeky red rascals lol...a 1st for me ;-)

No way was I leaving without a half decent pic!

Or 2

Mistle Thrush was calling from top of a tree

Then it was down to the shore

A wee RRB standing guard at another gate

Plenty Geese arriving

Oh and another RRB 

I didn't realise Curlew were so noisy

And another 1st for me...guillemot 

Some grey waggies

Then it was back up the forest to the car but along the way .....

 A think this is a Goldcrest?

Just blending in

Not a midge fest but swallow and possibly Martins?

Perhaps a Rook?

And last pic of the view before we headed home

Sorry it was sooooo long but it was a great place  to visit and can't wait to go back...hope you all enjoyed and now go get that well deserved cuppa and biscuit ;-)

(Pardon the Scottish Accent)