Been Back at the Haugh

So I have been back at Barons Haugh on a couple of late afternoon walks and here is what I saw...

On 1st visit weather was not too bad!!

A crazy Heron checking out the cows

Some very distant birds now am afraid


My 1st Ruff!!!

1st half decent shot of a Curlew lol

And lovely Green Sandpipers

Looks teeny weeny in flight lol

Then up over the fields I stood and watched the master hover...what a lovely sight

Then round to the river but no Kingie

Lots of goldies were chatting away

A wee Grebe had caught its dinner 

And today we headed  back up even though it had been raining but it had eased to a drizzle then stopped once we arrived at the river...

And glad we did as Kingie was fishing...still rather distant 

A moorhen decided to join him lol

And off kingie went

Mr Heron sitting quietly 

Then the sky said go home Linda lol

It seems to be a good time to go out after 5 although today we saw the cows on the path between the hides and a couple running with their dog as the cows were on their glad I was at the top of the hill looking down!!!

Well hope you enjoyed my pics from our walks

Thanks for looking

(Pardon the Scottish Accent)

  • Brilliant Linda, those Kingfishers of yours looked great a, lot better photos of the kingfishers that i took yesterday.
    Really good variety, It looked like you got home just in time before the deluge.
  • Thanks ILR..Still not my best of Kingie but least I seen it today...well yesterday now lol
    Believe it or not the sun actually came out when I got home about 7ish lol

    (Pardon the Scottish Accent)

  • Lovely set Linda... I can watch Kestrels hunting for hours, even if they are just in one place lol
    Fab wader & water bird selection too, thanks for sharing :o)
  • Thanks PB...yes there is something magical about watching a Kestrel on the hunt ;-)

    (Pardon the Scottish Accent)

  • You certainly encounter some lovely wildlife around Barons Haugh and enjoy seeing your beautiful photos Linda; must be fantastic to see the Kingie on such regular visits; as for the moorhens, ours on the pond beneath the balcony take on the mallards and can be quite feisty with other birds so not surprised the KF left. lol. thanks again for this latest post, always a pleasure to see.


    Regards, Hazel 

  • Thanks Hazel, yes it is..trying to get up there as much as I can before they close off the access to where I love to sit and watch the Kingfishers.
    Must be lovely to sit on your balcony and watch all of the wildlife below....noisy at times to I would guess with them Moorhens lol

    (Pardon the Scottish Accent)

  • Linda257 said:
    Must be lovely to sit on your balcony and watch all of the wildlife below....noisy at times to I would guess with them Moorhens lol

    It's quite peaceful on the whole to be honest as we don't have too many birds down on the pond below and the fish don't make a sound. LOL;     With the warmer weather I have been leaving the bedroom balcony door open a metre so can hear the tawny owls on occasion during the night and the heron, moorhens and mallards from dawn onwards along with the regular birds and a singing robin but they are not overly vocal and peace reigns most of the time.  lol.   


    Regards, Hazel 

  • Some cracking photos Linda, and the kingie has come out really well, even though a moorhen tried to photobomb.

    As for the heron checking out the cattle, was not a cattle egret in disguise! Grinning