Leighton Moss official sighting !

For those of you who haven't seen the latest update from LM,    take a LOOK HERE ;    life can be full of surprises.  -  wish I'd been there. !!         I do remember a friend at local reserve having an owl join him in a hide one early morning,  so its not totally out of the question that things like this can happen ;)


Regards, Hazel 

  • We once had a Tawny roosting in a basic hide that had no glass in the windows. It scared the original finder to bits at first. We closed the area off for about 2 weeks. It was a good source of Owl pellets


    Birding is for everyone no matter how good or bad we are at it,enjoy it while you can

  • Wendy S said:
    We once had a Tawny roosting in a basic hide that had no glass in the windows. It scared the original finder to bits at first. We closed the area off for about 2 weeks. It was a good source of Owl pellets

    LOL,   it goes to show anything can turn up in a hide and not just birders......   I remember a few years back a robin joining TJ and I in Lilians Hide at Leighton Moss, just flew through the open hide window and parked itself on the bench and at one stage perched itself on the seat between Tony and I   - couldn't stop laughing at this endearing and bold little robin .....


    Regards, Hazel 

  • Thanks for that update Hazy, what a fabulous opportunity to see a Merlin up close, and take a brilliant photo before it flew out again, the little Pippit knew where to fly for safety, hope it marked the spot for another time.

    Lot to learn