A Few From Yesterday's Walks

So we decided to enjoy the very last of the sun yesterday before the storm was due and visited 2 parks and a river...lots of walking...that's all my exercise done for the summer now....well you wouldn't want me out walking in the floods now would you? lol

Was rather quiet in all areas but here is what I saw by the river....

In a pond next to the river

Yep that was it...well a few of them fast flying swift things aswell heehaw chance of a pic of them!

Park no1 was a new one for us ....seems like it's home to all the SWANS and Coots!!

And a lovely wee starling

Then onto park No2 which had a little more activity with 2 Herons

Doesn't quite look right straight on lol

And them my favourite... Little Grebe to finish

Happy to say we made it home just before the 1st massive droplet of rain fell....its never stopped since..yeah yeah stop complaining Linda..I ain't actually because the rain has brought back....song thrush to the garden ;-)

Hope you enjoyed our walks and get your share of the rain very soon 

Thanks for looking ;-)

(Pardon the Scottish Accent)