Alners Gorse, 05/07

Day off, glorious forecast, Mrs PB positive for COVID that negative....quick get yourselfffffffffffffff.... she said...or that's what I heard as she coughed, sniffed and spluttered her way through breakfast..... so I did! Not wanting to be out too long, or go too far (see... I'm not totally heartless!) I thought where's local, and likely to be quiet, and big enough so I can distance if there are a few folk about..... Alners Gorse was the obvious choice with the still and sunny forecast.

On the way, passing the deer park, a few were fairly near a lay by...

Still looking very velvety

As I approached the gate into Alners Gorse obviously the sun went in, and remained intermittent for the next couple of hours! On the gatepost though, I was greeted by a vision of loveliness (no, Mrs PB hadn't passed me as I was snapping deer)

As I watched as it snapped it's wings shut, and was faintly surprised there was no sound! Also, I hadn't spotted until looking at the picture, they have white legs!

I'm thinking Small Heath for this, as there are no "eye spots" on the underwing, but won't be surprised if it's a Meadow Brown!

According to the info available, this is not a Silver Spotted Skipper (too early, wrong location... and probably doesn't look like it Grin) but I'm not sure which it is

Meadow Brown

What I think was a Silver Washed Fritillary, but only from what someone else had seen flying where I snapped it...I only got the one image unfortunately

Green Veined White


Probably the most numerous butterfly was, surprisingly, Ringlet

If you go down to the undergrowth today.... you're sure of a big surprise!!

Large Skipper

Comma, wings spread wide

Where do they keep that, once it's all neatly rolled up?!

More Large Skipper (probably)


One of the there mothy type things

Male Ringlet this time

There were a number of Marble Whites, stubbornly distant and behind grass and other foliage

Skipper fun.... Lulworth?



Then a first for me.. White Letter Hairstreak

A Comma, striking a pose... his shadow says "I am BUTTERFLYMAN! Righter of wrongs and sipper of nectar. Beware my stretchy proboscis!!""

And finally another Large Skipper

There was rumour of White Admiral and potential Purple either hairstreak or emperor, but I went home to see to my poorly beloved.... who waited 4 days then gave it to me with a vengeance! You can go off people y'know!!

Hope you liked the meander around, and as always ID corrections gratefully received.

Stay Safe All (Stay away from Mrs PB is my advice!!)

  • Firstly, really sorry to hear Mrs PB has come down with the dreaded covid and hope she doesn't have severe symptoms and recovers very soon. You do realise you are now promoted to chief cook and bottle washer plus all the other chores so Mrs PB can rest !
    What a wonderful selection of butterflies, some real beauties I've never encountered so thanks for sharing these fabulous photos. A good selection of deer and other critters and will look up on the google map where you went as I've never heard of the place. lol.


    Regards, Hazel 

  • Hi PB,

    A very productive day out for your last one for a while and at least 3 butterflies I've never seen and the last shot is quite striking.

    Best wishes for you and Mrs PB putting COVID behind you and getting out and about again.


  • I'm sure I would have been demoted again when I tested positive Saturday MaskThermometer face

    It's only about 15 minutes from home, so really local, and as I'm now off the week, if I test negative I'll be going back lol

  • Firstly sending you and Mrs PB get well wishes - it's a weird one - I still have energy depletion - for want of a better term.

    Lovely photos as always.

    The frit is a Silver Washed - even at that angle you can see the long lines of cells
    the odd Skipper is a Large Skipper
    Agree with the rest and still envious of the Hairstreak - and that last photo is knockout

    Cin J

  • Get well soon PB and Mrs PB and hope you recover very soon with no long term problems; we've been fortunate enough to escape covid so far (which is not surprising as we've hardly left the apartment this year with one health issue after another and an operation besides the eye surgery) but talking to a friend at rspb LM he had bad flu type symptoms about a month ago testing positive for covid and still says his lungs are affected and cannot ride his bike to work yet so hopefully won't turn into long covid; who would have thought we would live through such a terrible pandemic :(


    Regards, Hazel 

  • Thanks for your good wishes everyone....I've sent Mrs PB back out to work, I can't be doing with her cluttering up the place whilst I'm trying to mope about being ill!!
    Typically I'm due an MRI this week, so that'll have to wait now... and also missed the last appointment because they sent letter on Saturday for appointment Tuesday, but we were at the Eagles and didn't get back until Tuesday evening!

    Anyhow, enough grumbling! Thanks for ID's and comments, and someone better post some pictures to stop me going insane with boredom!!
  • Oh no!

    First, wishing Mrs PB a speedy recovery, and second, hoping you don't get it.

    Back to the better stuff, fabulous photos and it looked a great place to have so close to the doorstep, and many thanks for sharing, I'm in desperate need of cheering up at the mo, stuck inside.

  • I am rather short on butterflies up here PB so ta much for sharing all yours...I think the constant wind has blown them all south lol.....Glad Mrs PB has recovered well and back at work......chin up will be back out soon....get that scan appointment rearranged ASAP !!! Hope all goes well ;-)
    Thanks for sharing ;-)

    (Pardon the Scottish Accent)

  • My best wishes too PB for a speedy recovery from the dreaded virus, glad to hear Mrs PB has recovered, I hope she has left you with a long list of jobs to do just while you are home :-) Lovely pics of the butterflies, as Linda says they must have all blown south, so great to see your collection. Had one young starling in garden today, one parents - so that must have been blown in!!

    Lot to learn

  • Bumping you back up ;-)

    (Pardon the Scottish Accent)