All about insects 2022

I'll get this one started off with a Marmalade Hoverfly  -Episyrphus balteatus

who was enjoying the sunshine and shelter of the patio

Cin J

  • Nice sharp shot that Zo. Well done ... Relaxed

  • Thursday 22nd December 2022

    considering it’s winter I bet you wernt expecting this to pop up but I got a photo of an insect outside.

     I don’t usually see much or even any activity in the garden at all during winter but I have been growing seedlings. I saw a few white flys aswell this fella.

  • Zo Clark said:

    Thursday 22nd December 2022

    considering it’s winter I bet you wernt expecting this to pop up but I got a photo of an insect outside.

     I don’t usually see much or even any activity in the garden at all during winter but I have been growing seedlings. I saw a few white flys aswell this fella.

    Nice photos Zo, and I know you will be aware of the following, as I'm sure many others will be as well.

    There's a great misconception that all insects hibernate for winter. While many do, there are quite a few still active, especially when the sun comes out, the midges seems to suddenly appear over our pond.

    Ticks, I know are not an insect but part of the Arachnida family like spiders, who are also active all year through, but back to ticks particularly, I was surprised to read many years ago, while still mountaineering and camping etc, that they are still very active at temps as low as 3.5ºC and not necessarily in sunlight either!

  • Thanks. Yes with insect hibernation during winter I think one of the reasons for the misconception might be that when it’s spoken about or written about it’s usually put in a way that implys all Insects hibernate during winter for example rather than most insects hibernate it tends to be put in a generalised way for example (insects hibernate) or insects hibernate to keep warm cause its so cold. Rather than most insects hibernate. It might not be the only reason but it might be one of the reasons for the misconception. I notice there isn’t as much flying insects about as during Spring and Summer and so the ones that are active during The cold months might go un noticed by most people too.