Odds & Sods 2022

It's probably an ideal time to start the 2022 Odds & Sods thread off, with some squabbling starlings....

To view the 2021 thread, click HERE

This pair of starlings were having a right old go at each other, whilst another nipped in to the coconut shell for a food

  • I should add hubby didnt move it was only.me the cows were after lol

    (Pardon the Scottish Accent)

  • What an adventure!!! Can't imagine anyone being chased by cows......did they object to getting their picture taken?
    Not surprised about the flooding from the Clyde, we've had plenty of rain these past few days.
    Anyway, you got a lovely photo of a beautiful robin and a very cute squirrel!! Nice end to your walk......btw..no earthquake! Be nicer to yourself!!!
    Lovely start to the new year Linda, thank you HuggingSparkling heart
  • Unknown said:

    Big moor around the old reservoir is probably the best place to see red deer I think when the rut isn't happening. When the rut starts they spread out across the whole area (Big moor, Totley moor, White edge and over to Curbar and Froggatt edge. They will spread out anyway after the rut but there are a group of around 10 that hang around Barbrook and that's where I saw snowy (the elusive white fallow) the other week. Some stay on the Longshaw estate and my possible favourites are in Froggatt woods where they are a whole lot closer. Surprisingly after the rut a lot of hinds cross the Derwent between Grindleford and Hathersage and head up to Eyam moor.

    It's also worthwhile going right to the bottom of Big Moor and park up on Clodhall Lane. The hinds and young ones tend to congregate there in very large numbers...

    Sadly a big stag that pulled a lot of attention this year was killed a few weeks back in a road collision. An eldish boy the local deer watchers affectionately callerd Chip (with half an ear). Never had a huge amount of points but I was always told it's more about attitude than points and he had plenty of that. I was lucky, like many, to have one to one moments just watching him with no one around (not during the rut obviously when everyone descends). He'll be really sadly missed.

    That is sad news about Chip. It's sort of strange, but not, that we build an attachment to various creatures that we watch with regularity.

    I presume the reservoir you mean is the former Barbrook Reservoir, which is easily accessed from the A621.

    For those intending do not try to access the reservoir from the B6054, it does get very boggy around there.

  • This years Odds & Sods 2022 thread has provided lots of fabulous photos, discussions and comments that often wouldn't require a dedicated thread. To save the thread getting too long, a  new one has been set up "Odds & Sods 2023" on the following link:
