Odds & Sods 2022

It's probably an ideal time to start the 2022 Odds & Sods thread off, with some squabbling starlings....

To view the 2021 thread, click HERE

This pair of starlings were having a right old go at each other, whilst another nipped in to the coconut shell for a food

  • Lovely Bob, even lovelier when looked at on Zoom, thanks

    Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

  • Thanks Linda, I do like owls :)
  • When we moved from having a large woodland garden to an apartment with balcony we didn't expect to see too many birds visiting a balcony feeder and ground tray, however so far we have seen 18 different species which is remarkable and beyond our expectations;      yesterday we were surprised yet again when a Siskin found its way to the sunflower heart feeder and a different siskin today so good to know they are in the area.   Only record shots ......


    and a male siskin yesterday .....

    This list of birds we have had to the balcony are ..........

    Robin, Wren, Dunnock, Goldfinch, Blue Tit, Great Tit, Coal Tit, Crow, Magpie, Blackbird, juvenile G.S.Woodpecker, Woodpigeon,  (Racing Pigeon),  Goldcrest, Chaffinch, Nuthatch, Siskin and a Sparrowhawk who saw the activity and failed in snatching a Blue Tit.        As I type the male Siskin is back again.  Slight smile

    On the water blow we have had Mallards, Grey Heron, Swan, Greylag, Canada Goose, Kingfisher, Moorhen, Grey Wagtail and Pied Wagtail


    Regards, Hazel 

  • Lovely to see the siskins Hazel...am missing mine but hopefully all the birds will be back later in the year when I start feeding again ;-)

    (Pardon the Scottish Accent)

  • Wow Hazy you are doing so well, lovely pics of the Siskins, very pretty bird. Amazing that you have had a Woodpecker up there, bet you were surprised. As you would have been when the Sprawk put in it's appearance.
    I am glad it didn't join you for lunch on the balcony:-)

    Lot to learn

  • Thanks all, another bird to add to the species list when a much valued Greenfinch pair turned up this morning at the sunflower hearts :) I did grab the camera but sadly they didn't stay around as a Magpie spooked them and we've been out all day so will have to see if they return along with the Siskins.

    Took a trip to Leasowe today which is on the Wirral peninsular;    


     Juvenile starling .....

    and distant pheasant/s


    Regards, Hazel 

  • That juv. Starling with his new adult feathers coming through is just delightful - you are definitely getting the hang of the bionic H - back on form

    Cin J

  • Saw this bush covered in starlings while out for a walk today:

    Most of them flew away as I walked past but one decided to stay and pose!